Hudson's Adelaide |
OK i know its been almost 3 months tak tulis lgsg kat blog ni haha! Been veryyy busy. Hari ni lah baru ada masa sikit nak menulis. Salam Ramadhan to all. Semoga amalan dan ibadah kita diterima dan beroleh keberkatan Nya insyaAllah. Sedikit sedih sbb sepatutnya my family and I berlepas ke Madinah seterusnya ke Mekah utk ibadah umrah, tp masih belum rezeki nak sampai tanah suci.. Kami sekeluarga tak dapat visa... InsyaALLAH bila ada seruan, sampai lah ke sana. Amin!
From the last post, dah cerita setakat Melbourne and Adelaide. Sbenanye tulis blog ni mmg saje suka2. So one day nnt we both can baca and tgk balik diary jalan2 kitorg ni..... and at same time sbenanye nak bg infomation kat readers, but unfortunately i rasa i can't help much on Aussie trip this time :( Sbb lama sgt delay, hampir lupa details.. ye lah masa travel x de terfkir nak tulis so i dont have any note. Ni main pakai tulis je. I hope whoever reading this, enjoy apa i tulis and can help skit to plan your journey (if you nak pergi mana2 tmpt yg i share dlm blog ni lah kan) :p
Second day in Adelaide, kitorg round2 Adelaide, jalan kaki, bus and naik tram saje pusing2. Then next day tu, we decide to go to Hahndorf. "Hahndorf is a small town in the Adelaide Hills region of South Australia. Currently an important tourism spot, it has previously been a centre for farming and services." -from Wikipedia. Kitorg pergi Hanhdorf only by bus. Not that far from rumah Abu and bas pon x mahal tambang nya. Dekat Adelaide ni mmg tenang die lain mcm.. sbb tak berapa ramai org. Abu and friends suggest us beli chocolates kat situ. Sbb sedap and yeah its handmade chocolate. Mmg sedap pon okkk tp kitorg tak beli byk pon. Hehe. That shop nama die Hahndord Sweets. Kitorg tak spend much time pon dkat Hahndorf. Lpas beli coklat, makan and amek2 gmba, kitorg trus balik ke town Adelaide and jalan2 kat town Adelaide. Nothing much to explore in Adelaide. On 2nd and 3rd day, kitorg pegi Adelaide festival center, jalan2 kat area railway station, china town and last sekali pegi minum coffee (mmg routine MR KK kat sana. Hr2 pon nak coffee!) Last sekali before kitorg balik and get ready before Dinner, singgah kat Rundle Mall just to take picture dkat Rundle Mall's Balls - just because ramai org amek gamba kat situ haha! Rundle Mall ni kat sini we can get byk brg dari murah ke mahal. and we bought our souveniers like Australia hoodie and bag 20AUD (if im not mistaken ada less brape percent tah and bag tu actually dlm brape belas ringgit Malaysia sahaja!) best! sbb mmg kitorg dh agak brg tetibe byk sbb dh membeli2, and our bag dkat Melbourne with Heidi and kitorg nak pergi Sydney before balik Melbourne, so terpaksaa lahh beli bag :p Ok jom tgk some of the photos around Adelaide. :)
Hahndorf |
Coklat sedap here! |
Hahndorf |
China Town, Adelaide |
Adelaide Festival Centre
Rundle Mall's Balls
We went for dinner at San Giorgio, dekat je dgn rumah Abu. Lpas makan we balik pcking and tido cepat coz the next day kitorg ke Sydney. Wehoooooooooo!
Last Makan at Adelaide. |